Precision casting, preinstalled SKF (or FAG) bearings and other parts follow strict technical procedures, they provide high efficiency and longer use time, suitable for used on the high-speed loom machines.
Precision casting, preinstalled SKF (or FAG) bearings and other parts follow strict technical procedures, they provide high efficiency and longer use time, fits perfectly with the reed ring on the circular loom, suitable for used on the high-speed loom machines.
Precision casting, preinstalled SKF (or FAG) bearings and other parts follow strict technical procedures, they provide high efficiency and longer use time, suitable for used on the high-speed loom machines.
Precision casting, preinstalled SKF (or FAG) bearings and other parts follow strict technical procedures, they provide high efficiency and longer use time, fits perfectly with the reed ring on the circular loom, suitable for used on the high-speed loom machines.
Precision casting, preinstalled SKF (or FAG) bearings and other parts follow strict technical procedures, they provide high efficiency and longer use time, fits perfectly with the reed ring on the circular loom, suitable for used on the high-speed loom machines.
Complete pick up assembly with insertion pipe and ceramic insertion finger.
Includes a set of weft-breaking magnets equipped with a pipe and a inserted finger from Zirconia material, which has good abrasion resistance, impact resistance, heat resistance and is suitable for many technological requirements