Vu Minh Company is the first partner of Kluber in Vietnam. Kluber has an article on the Kluber’s website about 25-year successful journey of Vu Minh and the reliable, strong partnership between Vu Minh and Kluber, as well as the achievements that Vu Minh and Kluber have achieved in Vietnamese market.
Vu Minh Company Limited celebrated its 25th corporate anniversary on May 14, 2022. What a remarkable milestone!
Vu Minh was established by Mr. Van in 1997. Right from the beginning, the team strived on its business philosophy to bring “highest quality products from prestigous manufacturers worldwide together with its best technical services” to their customers, hence benefitting them substantially in the long run. By holding on to their objectives closely, the team in Vu Minh enjoyed a high level of success after two and a half decades.
The same can be seen in its reliable partnership between Vu Minh and Klüber Lubrication South East Asia for many years. For one, our sales values increased by four to five times in the past 10 years and we relied on Vu Minh to expand their market coverage to most major market segments within Vietnam, which included Cement, Food, MDF, Textile and more.
While we are certain that the journey has not been easy, we know that it has been very fulfilling and KLSEA is very proud to have Vu Minh as our long-time business partner. Please join us in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Vu Minh. May the team scale greater heights in many more successful years to come and let us seek an even closer partnership together!
Written by:
Mr. Thanh Pham Nghi - Klüber Lubrication SEA Representative Office and Mr. Seah Lee Kwang - GM KLSEA Sales & Marketing Klüber Lubrication S.E.A The article on the Kluber's Website: |  |