Klubersynth CHM 2-100

Manufacturer: KLÜBER LUBRICATION (Germany)
High-temperature oils for transmission, lifting and conveyor chains
The high-temperature oils of the Klubersynth CHM 2 series are manufactured on the basis of ester mixtures. These fully synthetic oils show good wear protection, low formation of residues (which are soluble in fresh oil) and high thermal stability. Their high lubricity increase operational reliability and extend the service life of machines.
Benefits for your application
  • Cleaner chains due to lower residue formation
  • Low evaporation rates resulting in lower consumption
  • Low maintenance costs, as residues are soluble in fresh oil
  • Reduced investment and repair costs due to extended chain life
  • Low friction values reduce power consumption and CO2 emission liability

Orther products

Features, Application
High-temperature oil for continuous wood panel presses
HOTEMP SUPER N PLUS is a special high-temperature oil for use on the latest generation of continuous board presses subject to highest process temperatures and speeds.
HOTEMP SUPER N PLUS is an advanced product based on the HOTEMP...series with further development in terms of evaporation losses at temperatures between 230°C and 260°C.
High-temperature chain oils
All chain users aim at minimising lubricant consumption volumes to enhance their profitability. At the same time, they expect good wear protection and low residue formation to keep maintenance costs low.
Our synthetic ester oils clearly meet these requirements. With our Klubersynth CH 2 series, we have found the right solution for you.
Synthetic oil for chains in can lacquering lines for the food-processing industry
Kluberfood NH1 C 6-150 is a special synthetic high-temperature oil on a PG base developed for the lubrication of chains operating through can and tin-plate curing, lacquering and decorating ovens.
It is NSF H1 registered and therefore complies with FDA 21 CFR § 178.3570. The lubricant was developed for incidental contact with products and packaging materials in the food-processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industries.
High-temperature chain oils for the food-processing industry
The Kluberfood NH1 CH 2 Plus oil series comprises synthetic high-temperature chain oils incorporating special base oils ensuring reliable lubrication at high temperatures. They show low evaporation losses and high oxidation stability for optimised relubrication intervals and reduced oil quantities.
The lubricants were developed for incidental contact with products and packaging materials in the food-processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical or animal feed industries.
High-temperature cleaning and lubricating oil for chains
Klubertherm CH 2-140 has improved thermal stability and load carrying capacity, which enables it to provide good wear protection for bending rods/bolts, rollers and chains during normal production. At the same time, the cleaning additives in the oil dissolve/suspend the pasty residues and flush them away from the lubrication point, thus providing a good cleaning effect without disturbing the production schedule.
Ultimately biodegradable escalator chain oil
Klüberbio C 2-46 is an ultimately biodegradable ester oil falling under the water hazard class 1.
It is free of solvents and offers good penetrating properties as well as wear protection.
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