Kluber Silvertex T 46

Manufacturer: KLÜBER LUBRICATION (Germany)
Semi-synthetic, biodegradable, high-performance needle and sinker oils
In the knitting industry, compatibility of materials, wear protection and scourability are becoming more and more stringent. Kluber Silvertex T needle oils are based on special mineral and synthetic base oils and additives. These oils are biodegradable according to OECD - 301 c. They reduce wear and deposits on stitch-forming elements, thus ensuring long and trouble-free operation of knitting machines, while at the same time reducing operating costs.
Benefits for your application
  • Comply with the legal requirements set forth in EU Directive 2003/53/EC for placing NP/NPE-containing products on the market
  • Long service life of stitch-forming elements due to good wear protection and damping effect
  • Compatible with electronic control systems, elastane fibres and commonly used sealing materials and plastics due to the special base oils and additives
  • Improved cold start behaviour due to the semi-synthetic formulation
  • Higher economical efficiency of knitting machines due to reduced downtime
  • Reduction of operating costs due to extended maintenance intervals

Orther products

Features, Application
Synthetic high-performance gear and high-temperature oil with KluberComp Lube Technology
Klubersynth GH 6 is a synthetic high-performance gear and high-temperature oil based on polyglycol. It includes KluberComp Lube Technology, i.e. it is based on especially high-grade raw materials and advanced additives, enabling maximum performance in the lubrication of all gear components.
Klubersynth GH 6 is approved by Siemens-Flender, SEW, MAAG Gears, etc.
High-temperature oil for continuous wood panel presses
HOTEMP SUPER N PLUS is a special high-temperature oil for use on the latest generation of continuous board presses subject to highest process temperatures and speeds.
HOTEMP SUPER N PLUS is an advanced product based on the HOTEMP... series with further development in terms of evaporation losses at temperatures between 230 and 260 °C.
Synthetic air compressor oils for oil change intervals up to 8,000 operating hours
Kluber Summit SB oils are air compressor oils based on synthetic hydrocarbons and additives. These oils are miscible with mineral oils and synthetic hydrocarbon oils, but not with oils based on polyglycol.
Kluber Summit SB oils offer excellent oxidation and ageing stability and show a good viscosity-temperature behaviour.
Hotemp 2000

Hotemp 2000

Mã SP:
High-temperature lubricating oil
HOTEMP 2000 is an advanced, fully synthetic high-temperature oil for friction points that are normally lubricated manually.
HOTEMP 2000 is resistant to temperatures up to 250 °C and does not decompose thermally into hard, lacquer-like residues that may stiffen or seize chain joints.
High-temperature oil for oil-lubricated stenter chains in the textile industry
Klubersynth CTH 2-260 is a special high-temperature chain oil for reliable lubrication at high operating temperatures and loads. It has low evaporation losses at high temperatures and does not form varnish build-up when used correctly - it is important to keep friction points covered with an oil film at all times. It also regenerates pasty used oil at the friction points to ensure sufficient lubrication. It also offers good creeping ability, ensuring quick lubricant film formation.
High-temperature chain oils
All chain users aim at minimising lubricant consumption volumes to enhance their profitability. At the same time, they expect good wear protection and low residue formation to keep maintenance costs low.
Our synthetic ester oils clearly meet these requirements. With our Klubersynth CH 2 series, we have found the right solution for you.
Ha Noi: 09115 424 16 Da Nang: 09115 724 16 Ho Chi Minh: 09110 424 16